
Maca for Healing

Maca for Healing More Quickly - Speedy Recovery with Maca Root

Maca for Hormone Balance

Overview: Maca for Healing

Some maca benefits are better known than others: for example, maca is commonly recommended for addressing issues related to hormone balance such as fertility, menopause and energy. It’s even praised for helping to improve concentration, mental focus and depression. But did you know that maca can also help you recover from some injuries? This ancient superfood, derived from the root of the maca plant (Lepidium meyenii), has been celebrated for centuries in its native Peru for its remarkable healing and nutritional properties. As contemporary health enthusiasts rediscover the benefits of maca powder, it's worth exploring how this humble root can support modern healing and well-being.

Introduction to Maca Root

Maca root, also known as Peruvian ginseng or Lepidium meyenii walpers, is a cruciferous plant from the family Brassicaceae that grows at extreme altitudes of about 13,000 feet or 3,900 meters in the Andes Mountains. Maca root products are known for a wide range of health benefits ranging from reduced anxiety to better concentration and focus. Maca is an adaptogenic plant rich in vitamins, minerals, and essential amino acids. Maca also contains unique nutritional compounds known as macaenes and macamides that can help address hormonal imbalance. Recent research has uncovered more positive effects of maca than what’s commonly known - including maca’s ability to help your body heal from injury.

Can Maca Really Help With Healing?

The research suggests that a regular maca root habit can boost your body’s ability to recover from some injuries or illnesses. Two studies performed in 2017 found that consumption of red and black maca root supported skin wound-healing activity on animal subjects. This occurred both at sea level and at high altitudes like the mountainous regions where maca originates. And in 2024, a gel produced from maca extract was found to show significant promise for treating infected wounds.
Maca is also anti-inflammatory, and athletes regularly consuming black maca demonstrated improved levels of inflamation. This resulted in improved physical fitness and muscle recovery time from strenuous exercise.

Ways Maca May Support Increased Healing

So how exactly does maca root support healing? Scientists regard maca root as a plant with diverse biological properties, remarking on its ability to protect the skin from inflammatory lesions caused by ultraviolet radiation in addition to possessing antioxidative and immunomodulatory properties. A study on the effects of black maca supplementation by athletes determined that the presence of arginine, an amino acid, exerted a vasodilator effect on the athletes consuming maca root, resulting in improved physical fitness. Muscle endurance and agility were also improved, with increased antioxidant activity. In short, maca root has helped athletes recover more quickly from strain on their bodies. Maca powder is rich in essential nutrients, including vitamins B, C, and E, as well as an array of minerals like calcium, magnesium, and zinc. Its amino acid profile includes all nine essential amino acids, making it a valuable protein source for vegetarians and vegans. However, it's not just the vitamins and minerals that make maca powder special; its bioactive compounds, such as macaenes and macamides, play a critical role in its healing properties.

Maca to Help You Heal Quickly - Tri-Color Maca Powder

Words From Our Customers

"Thank you so much for a wonderful product. The black maca has sped up my shoulder injury so fast I was blown away. I bought black maca to help with libido. But to my surprise, my shoulder healed quickly! It also supported libido. I will keep taking it because it is hard to find products that truly works. Believe me, I've looked. I am 61 years old, still training in martial arts, and will not be without taking my black maca! Aloha," - Harry D


"Has really been a lifesaver. I started this one week after a radical complete hysterectomy....In addition to my estrogen patch which was barely touching the hot flashes and sexual issues, the red maca root after about a week completely eliminated those issues. I will continue to take this in addition to my estrogen patch. I am extremely happy and will be ordering again." - Idella Kelsey-Bullock


"I hate to use the term miracle but I’ve been dealing with severe leg pain for a year now and have seen more doctors than I can count to try and figure out what was causing it. We thought it might be a hormonal imbalance so I started taking this as well as reishi mushroom and the pain is nearly gone. I can’t thank you enough, it feels like I’ve gotten my life back and it’s a miracle. Not being in severe pain every single day has made me so grateful to this wonderful supplement!" – Brittany

Which Maca is Best for Healing?

Maca Extract to Help with Healing

Maca root comes in three colors: black, red, and yellow. While science has identified some health properties that are unique to each color maca root, the process of sorting maca by color is relatively new. Historically, maca would have been consumed as a tri-color or “heritage blend,” allowing for consumers to benefit from all three maca colors. As such, we recommend our gelatinized tri-color maca root products for healing and recovery. Tri-color maca is believed to support hormone health, energy, and muscle building, all functions that can help your body recover from a variety of ailments. Gelatinized maca has been pre-cooked to cut down on the starch content, which may cause some stomach upset in a small percentage of consumers. The process has a negligible effect on the nutritional composition of your maca root, ensuring that it’s easy on your stomach and good for you besides.

How To Use Maca To Help You Heal Skin Or Injury

To get the most out of maca, make sure that it’s part of your daily routine. Exact serving sizes depend on a variety of factors, but for most people 3-9 grams of maca is the right amount. Maca is easy to take. People either mix the powder into smoothies, or simply swallow capsules or extracts. As part of a balanced diet and exercise routine maca can be very supportive. If you have further questions about getting started with maca check out our extensive maca FAQ. And find out which maca we recommend for you by visiting our best maca for you page.

Final Words

Remember that using natural treatments for healing will take some time to be effective. Maca isn’t intended to act as a substitute for any type of medical treatment. We always recommend that you consult a competent and knowledgeable health care professional when making changes to your diet and lifestyle. Maca is, however, gentler on the body than many types of medicine. And its effects can be longer lasting. Natural remedies such as taking maca for healing are designed to help you heal the causes of the condition and not just cover over the symptoms. We wish you all the best in your healing journey and if there is anything we can do to help, please let us know. We are happy to support you! Learn more about all maca benefits

Enjoy the Day!



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