What Exactly Is Maca?

What Exactly Is Maca?

Posted by The Maca Team on 17th Apr 2023

As maca root grows in popularity we receive more and more questions from people interested in adding maca to their diets. The curiosity is understandable - maca root has only become widely known outside of Latin America in the past 20 years. Before that, maca was almost exclusively known in the high Andes of Peru and Bolivia. But people all over the world are getting wise to the purported benefits of consuming maca, and as they do, the demand has increased. But for the sake of those sitting in the sidelines, unsure of what exactly maca is and why they should take it, we thought we’d put together a short, convenient primer.

Maca is a Food, Not a Supplement

Perhaps because it’s most commonly found in powdered form, a lot of people seem to think maca works similar to products like protein powders you might take before or after a workout. That’s the first misconception it’s important to address. Maca is a food - namely, it’s a root. Maca, sometimes referred to by its scientific name of Lepidium meyenii, is a Peruvian plant of the Brassicacae family that for many years grew exclusively in the Peruvian Andes. Brassicacae or Cruciferae is a family of plants that includes mustard, broccoli, and radish. So what makes maca special? Besides the fact that it’s rich in fiber, essential amino acids, and other nutrients, it also contains glucosinolates, which are anti-inflammatory, cancer-fighting agents. These are only some of the benefits that earn maca its title as not just any food, but a superfood.

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What Can Maca Do For You?

They say that “you are what you eat,” and there’s certainly more emphasis than ever before on knowing the nutritional values (or lack thereof) of what you eat. A balanced diet should be full of sources for the vitamins and miscellaneous nutrients your body requires to operate at its very best. You should be asking yourself what your food can do for you besides fill your belly.

So what can maca do for you? Peruvians have valued this root for more than 2000 years for a number of reasons, reasons that modern research have added weight to.

Some of the benefits associated with maca root include enhanced fertility, increased energy, improved libido, and even better skin. And studies have demonstrated that maca does, in fact, boost virility and contribute towards higher energy levels.

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Do You Know Where Your Food Comes From?

The move toward knowing where your food comes from is a generally positive trend geared towards shopping local. While maca is currently being grown in both Boliva and Peru, it’s commonly accepted that the best maca comes from its native terrain around Junin, Peru. That’s why we source our maca from our own fields on the Junin Plateau in the Andes.

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It’s easy to get away with slapping an “organic” label on foods, but our GMO-free organic maca root is certified fair trade, a testament to our work towards providing our customers with the best maca possible. Our maca is sustainably-harvested in small batches, so you can be sure that it’s as fresh as possible. Whether you’re shopping our raw or premium maca root powders, maca capsules, maca root chips, or liquid maca extracts, you can be sure you’re buying a quality maca product. We even produce a convenient maca coffee substitute!

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Buying From The Maca Team

We hope we’ve done a good job of answering the important questions you should ask before choosing a maca product, but if there’s more you’d like to know, we’d love to hear from you! DON’T hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. You can Contact Us using our web form, or call us toll-free at 888-919-8616.

Enjoy the Day! 

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