Maca Testimonials: What are Our Customers Saying?

Maca Testimonials: What are Our Customers Saying?

Posted by The Maca Team on 29th May 2024

Since setting up shop, The Maca Team has been shipping out high-quality organic Peruvian maca all across the world. We offer a wide variety of maca root products, from black maca root liquid extract to premium tricolor maca root powder, and even accessories like our Maca Blender Bottle. We’re proud of our maca, and we think we’ve got good reason to be - when so many health products squeak by with disingenuous labeling, we’ve gone out of our way to ensure that all of our products are certified Fair Trade, vegan, and non-GMO.

We can talk about how great our maca is all day, but don’t just take it from us - check out what some of our happy customers have to say.

Maca for Energy and Stamina

Maca for energy and stamina - shop

Research has demonstrated a link between regular maca consumption and endurance capacity, perhaps due to its antioxidative qualities. In Peru, where maca root originates, it’s long been celebrated for its stimulating effects, boosting energy levels despite the absence of any traditional stimulant content like caffeine. Studies have verified many of maca root’s purported “medicinal effects,” which include its ability to mitigate fatigue and to help the body bounce back from strenuous exercise.

So how do our customers feel about it?

"After a bad round of covid I spent weeks and weeks trying to get my energy back and just was plagued with tired brain fog. I've had good results with maca in the past and decided to try the black maca from the maca team after seeing them recommended on reddit. I am extremely happy with the results so far. I take in the morning and have Sustained energy throughout the day with no crash. libido is up is up as well. I love a healthy lifestyle, eat very clean, work out, cold showers, sauna, etc etc.... Maca has been a huge help to give me that boost when it just seems nothing else is working. Thanks maca team!" - Jordan

Maca for Mental Focus

Maca for mental focus - shop

Maca doesn’t just keep your body going strong - it powers your brain, too. While maca root is most commonly associated with benefits like improved energy and sexual performance, it’s been reported to help with cognitive functions as well. A research study performed in 2016 found that subjects consistently served this Peruvian superfood showed signs of improved mental acuity in addition to motor coordination. Its findings also suggest that regular consumption of maca can effectively slow down age-related cognitive decline.

"My daughter told me about Maca powder when I expressed my concern about not being as in control of my memory and thought processes. Since Alzheimer's disease runs in my family, I try to do whatever I can to remain as sharp as possible for as long as possible. My daughter found the Maca Team's website and ordered a 1 lb. bag of the Black Gelatinized Maca. After taking it every day for a couple of weeks, I began to notice that I seldom was unable to call up a word I needed to complete a sentence and I just felt sharper. I've been using it ever since, and just ordered the larger 2.2 lb. bag. I know this will be a daily part of my diet for life. Plus, I love the taste of it: kind of a mild peanut butter taste. I recommend this to everyone who wants to take a preventative path toward a life long healthy brain, as well as, anyone who is already experiencing memory and thought problems." -Margaret Hughes

Maca for Fertility

Maca for fertility - Shop

Fertility is perhaps maca’s best-known association. Men and women in the Andes where our maca is harvested have long consumed maca root and even fed it to their livestock in order to ensure long-term vitality and viability. Tests performed on animal subjects suggest that regular servings of maca contribute towards improving sperm quantity, quality, and motility. While the research is ongoing, it appears that more and more of it demonstrates the success of maca in stimulating sexual desire and combating the effects of erectile dysfunction.

"I was told by a friend that she used this before trying to get pregnant. I then purchased this product with the intention to help with fertility. After taking this for only a few weeks I got my first positive pregnancy test after trying to conceive for about 7-8 months. This may have been a coincedence or it may have been this product that helped. Maca was the only thing we did different the month we conceived. My partner also took the black maca so we both were taking it every day. Would highly recommend trying this product! I mixed mine in with a smoothie which helped me drink it easier." Erica G.

Any Questions?

We’ve been in the maca business for over fifteen years now, cultivating close relationships with maca farmers in the Junin plateau area of Peru in order to ensure that our customers are only getting the freshest, highest quality maca root. Our maca is harvested at the peak of the season before being processed and shipped to us in small batches so you can get the most out of its shelf life.

If you have any more questions about our maca root products, we’d love to hear them! Don’t hesitate to Contact Us using our web form, or call us toll-free at 888-919-8616.

Enjoy the day!

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