Is Maca Root Safe for Children?

Is Maca Root Safe for Children?

Posted by The Maca Team on 27th Dec 2023

There’s so much work that goes into keeping your family happy and healthy, and choosing what foods to share with your loved ones might be the most important decision of your day. There’s so much to consider, ranging from allergies, to nutritional value, to personal tastes, and more. Sure, you can take the gaming console away if the kids won’t eat their veggies, but is that going to foster a long-lasting positive association with eating well?

Teaching your children about the importance of healthy eating is an essential life-skill. This is especially true in a time when easy access to sugary goodies contends with the dangerous pressure to look a certain way at any cost. But there’s less pressure to hassle the kids about finishing their Brussels sprouts when you’ve got some of The Maca Team’s maca root products in the pantry.

Can Children Eat Maca Root?

There are so many factors that go into how a guardian feeds their child, and this complex issue has been a topic of increasing debate over the years. The United States Department of Agriculture has published research on food deserts, or areas where it’s difficult for residents to consistently access healthy, affordable foods. Media outlets have also marked the rise of the “almond mom,” or a parent whose misunderstandings about personal fitness foster an unsafe obsession with restrictive eating.

Whatever the reason, it can be a struggle to provide your family with nutritionally-sufficient meals.

So where does maca root fit in?

Maca has been a staple food in the Andes for centuries, and has been safely consumed by children as well as adults. In short - maca root is safe for kids! Unlike many over-the-counter supplements, maca is a nutrient-dense superfood that can be enjoyed in many ways - even by the pickiest eaters.

Maca Root and Diet Culture

When children are being taught from a young age that every calorie counts, feeding them foods like maca root is a good way to be confident that nutritional needs are being met. Maca root packs in a wide variety of vitamins, essential acids, and minerals, and its reported health benefits have been backed by research.

Regularly consuming maca root supports bone health and has been found to improve concentration and overall cognitive function. Growing can take its toll on the human body, and children are no exception. It’s important for them to be offered foods that are both filling and nourishing to make sure they’re growing as well as possible…and to foster lifelong positive associations with healthy eating.

Which Maca is Best for Kids?

Finding the right serving size of maca is just as important for children as it is for adults. That means considering the size of the person meant to consume the maca root. It’s always a good idea to consult with your child’s licensed medical professional regarding any dietary constraints if you have concerns about contraindications. Though allergic reactions to maca root are rare, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Maca capsules may be unsafe for small children to swallow, so consider adding our liquid maca root extracts to water or juice for speed and simplicity. You should also consider that strong flavor profiles can be difficult for younger children to tolerate, which means that spicier maca products like our premium maca powders might not be right for your little ones.

For consumers of all ages who easily experience indigestion, gelatinized (or pre-cooked) maca is the way to go. Gelatinized maca has a lower starch content but similar nutrient density in comparison to raw maca, so you can be sure that your child is enjoying something that’s good for them!

We recommend checking out our Maca Recipes for some great ideas on how to introduce your children to maca. It’s quick and easy to add maca powder to tasty smoothies and even baked goods, ensuring that your family is getting something nutritious AND delicious.

Any Questions?

Premium gelatinized red maca root powder - shop

 If you’d like to learn more about our Peruvian-grown organic maca root, Contact Us using our web form or call us toll-free at 888-919-8616.

Enjoy the day!

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