Give Maca a Try with Maca Samplers

Give Maca a Try with Maca Samplers

Posted by The Maca Team on 23rd May 2024

How do you get started with maca root? We’ve worked hard to make your go-to source for information about maca root, and your reliable retailer for maca root products. But like any big dietary change, there’s a lot you might want to know before you make maca a part of your daily routine. If you’re a big research-oriented person, you should check out our FAQs for information on maca’s nutritional value, its history, and some tips on figuring out your serving size. You could also trawl our product pages to discover the benefits of each individual color of maca root, and whether raw or gelatinized maca would be better for you.

But for our hands-on learners, there’s no better way to get to learn than to dive right in. And for that, we’ve got our maca root product samplers.

The Maca Team's Maca

Maca Root Powder Capsules - Shop

We know that browsing our catalog might get a little confusing at times. There are so many options! Should you try our black maca liquid extract, or would our gelatinized yellow maca root chips be the best maca for you? Whichever you choose, there’s one thing you should know: that we have the best quality maca out there.

So what makes our maca root products better than those of our competitors? Consider the origin, for one thing. Today, you can easily find cheaply-grown maca or even artificial maca on the market. The Maca Team’s Maca is ALWAYS coming to you from our farms in Peru, where maca has been farmed for human consumption for centuries. Maca originates in the highest regions of the world, thriving in the Peruvian Andes. When we decided we wanted to bring maca root to international consumers, we knew it had to be Peruvian maca for a number of reasons. First, by working directly with a local co-op of farmers we could be sure that the maca we make available through our shop has been grown and harvested sustainably, ensuring the ongoing viability of the farmland it comes from and earning us our Fair Trade label. Second, Peru has a nationwide ban on GMOs in its agricultural sector - so all of our maca root is certified organic!

Which Maca Product Should You Try?

Maca Samplers - Shop

The possibilities are as extensive as your imagination. You might start your day with a cup of our Morning Motivator maca coffee substitute, and take a dropperful of our vegan liquid maca extract at lunch. Or you might add some maca root powder to your pre-workout smoothie to keep you going harder, longer. The factors that will decide the “best” maca for you are entirely subjective. If you have a sensitive digestion but are hoping to achieve better hormonal balance through your maca regimen, check out our gelatinized red maca products. Hoping to bulk up in the gym? Premium black maca might be able to help with that. But if you’re just hoping to achieve overall wellness and take advantage of maca root’s adaptogenic qualities, your options are a little more flexible. That’s where our maca samplers come in.

Maca Samplers

Maca Capsule Sampler - Shop

If you’re looking to get the most out of your maca, our premium raw organic maca powder sampler set is worth a try. Premium maca has been rapidly dried in low-temperature dehydrators rather than out in the sun like our standard raw maca, this “fresh processed” maca has a higher rate of glucosinolates present in the final product.

Don’t like the taste of maca? Not a problem! Our liquid maca extracts have a mild, pleasant flavor. You could also try our gelatinized vegan maca capsules, which are great if you have a sensitive stomach. With our maca sampler sets, there’s no right or wrong choice!

Contact Us

Maca Root Products - Shop

Our family-owned business works with local growers to ensure that our maca root is harvested sustainably, allowing the fields to rest between growing periods in order to protect the health of the land and ensure that we’re always able to import reliably good maca.

When you’re purchasing from us, our goal is for you to join the many happy customers who have been moved to contribute their testimonials of our products. So why not give The Maca Team’s maca a try? If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to Contact Us using our web form, or call us toll-free at 888-919-8616!

Enjoy the Day! 

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