Can Pets Have Maca Root?

Can Pets Have Maca Root?

Posted by The Maca Team on 10th Mar 2025

If you’ve got a furry friend in your life, odds are they’re more than just a friend - they’re family. An estimated 87 million American households, or 66% of the population, share their home with a pet. With so many diet options available for pets, each promising to be better than the last, it’s hard to decide what to feed your four-legged companion. The pet food industry is booming, and you’ve probably put a lot of thought into what you feed your pet. Treats and supplements are of key importance - they serve as rewards for jobs done well, or simply for putting a smile on your face. But have you ever fed them maca root? Your pet might be able to take the same maca you enjoy, with similar effects!

Is Maca Safe for Pets?

Animals have long played a significant role in research on the health benefits of maca. Lab testing on rats has provided a great deal of information on the ways maca can improve a consumer’s quality of life, namely with regard to boosting virility. 

Pets are like people in that there are foods that are beneficial for them, and others that are incredibly dangerous. It’s commonly known that dogs, for example, should be kept far away from chocolate, and that exposure to lilies can be life-threatening for cats. In addition to species-specific risks, it’s important to recognize that our pets are individuals  with their own particular sensitivities.

As such, the answer to the question isn’t as straightforward as you might like to believe - as with humans, a licensed medical professional (i.e., your pet’s veterinarian) will likely know best. Make sure you’re aware of any dietary constraints or existing health conditions that might affect the way your pet’s body reacts to the addition of maca to their diet.

Why Would You Feed Your Pet Maca?


The practice of feeding animals maca isn’t a new one. Historically, Peruvian farmers fed maca to livestock such as alpaca, vicuna and ccattle imported to the Americas from Spain in order to improve their health and fertility. This is because the same vitamins and enzymes that have a positive impact on human bodies would have benefited animals as well. Don’t just rely on the historical accounts - research performed in 2010 found that supplementing bulls’ diets with maca resulted in an improvement in the quantity and quality of semen produced

Maca has been recognized by vets and animal care professionals as a “functional food,” a term referring to foods that can have a positive impact beyond basic nutrition on those consuming it. This can include many of the benefits reported by human consumers, which include improving adrenal health, reducing stress, and boosting libido and fertility levels. All of which is to say that on the whole, it’s been found that adding maca to an animal’s diet can improve its health and comfort.

"I originally purchased the Red Maca for my female Rottweiler who was bred this cycle for her first litter. She loves the product and is in beautiful body and coat condition. Now fingers crossed for a strong, healthy, happy mom and babies. After further research I put my second dog who is an intact 10 year old male Rottweiler who has been on prostate support products for the past 4 years. Since being on the Red Maca I have been able to reduce the prostate support by half to dosage.   Great product, great price - will continue to use the product in the future."  - Cathie Soter

Where Can I Buy Maca for Pets?

You probably already understand how important it is to make sure you know exactly what’s in your pet’s food. Though the FDA does regulate pet food, it doesn’t regulate products being advertised as maca - that means that it’s possible the maca product you’re purchasing from a pet supply store or website might contain unadvertised additives. 

If you want to be sure that you’re purchasing 100% pure, organic maca for your beloved furbaby, be sure to buy from a reliable retailer like The Maca Team. Unless other ingredients are listed in products like our Morning Motivator maca coffee blend, our fair-trade, sustainably-grown maca is just that - maca root.

Consult with your vet on what maca formulation and serving size is best for your pet. While some pets might not have any trouble with the addition of products like our raw maca powder to their food, a dog or cat with a sensitive digestive system might have a harder time with it. You might want to consider something like our organic gelatinized maca powder instead, which has been pre-cooked to break down the starch content that might trouble sensitive stomachs.

Want to Know More About Maca for Pets?


Check out our maca FAQ for more information on maca root. DON’T hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. You can Contact Us using our web form, or call us toll-free at 888-919-8616.

Enjoy the Day!




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