Anxious? Try Maca Root.

Anxious? Try Maca Root.

Posted by The Maca Team on 28th Aug 2024

Are you frequently struggling with anxiety? You’re not alone: The National Alliance on Mental Illness states that over 40 million adults in the US, or 19.1% percent of the adult population, live with an anxiety disorder. Even children are demonstrating increased signs of anxiety. While you should discuss your mental healthcare with a licensed professional, it’s commonly known that a change in diet might bring about some positive results. That’s why we’re going to talk about maca root as a functional food that might be able to help.

What is Anxiety?

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You don’t have to be diagnosed with an anxiety disorder to experience anxiety. As we pointed out above, a sizable population deals with signs of mental and emotional strain on a regular basis. Some signs of anxiety are emotional, while others are physical. They range from feelings of restlessness and irritability to sweating and tremors. If you feel like anxiety is having a serious impact on your life, you should discuss that with a medical professional.

However, it doesn’t hurt to make some lifestyle changes that might help you face the symptoms of anxiety. Watching what you eat isn’t just for people who are trying to lose weight. There are certain foods that serve to impart much-needed nutrients made to help your body combat stress. What makes maca root one of them?

Maca for Stress and Anxiety

Gelatinized Yellow Maca Root Chips - Shop

We’ve talked extensively about maca as an adaptogen, or a naturally-derived substance that helps the body respond to a wide variety of stressors. Adaptogens work at a molecular level by regulating the balance between the hypothalamic, pituitary, and adrenal glands, which are responsible for the stress response in your body. 

Maca contains flavonoids, which have been associated with improved mood and reduced anxiety. A 2008 clinical trial in which postmenopausal women consumed maca root found that regular consumption of maca powder resulted in reduced symptoms of anxiety and depression. A 2015 study produced similar results, with a noted decrease in blood pressure.

And maca root also contains two unique nutrients, macaenes and macamides, which have been associated with overall hormone health and powerful anti-inflammatory properties.

How Fast Does Maca Work for Anxiety?

Maca for stress and anxiety - Shop

Like any dietary change, you have to put in the work before you can expect to see results. Regular maca consumption pays off - within weeks you may find yourself less stressed out, and feeling more energetic. Mix maca root in with your favorite herbal tea, or take a couple droppers of liquid maca extract in the morning.

"I have suffered from anxiety for the past two years, recently went back to school and the stress and anxiety became drastically worse. I was ready to get on prescription medicine but decided to go the natural way. Within a couple of days of taking two teaspoonfuls a day, I felt so much better and the anxious feelings and knots in my stomach have dissapeared. I feel more relaxed, clear headed and with improved energy.." DD

Why Shop The Maca Team?

The Maca Team is committed to providing only the best organic Peruvian maca out there, and we believe our hard work will benefit you.

It’s more important than ever to make good decisions for yourself and your body - and that includes your mood. So give our maca a try! DON’T hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. You can Contact Us using our web form, or call us toll-free at 888-919-8616.

Enjoy the Day!

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