Achieving Estrogen Balance with Maca Root

Achieving Estrogen Balance with Maca Root

Posted by The Maca Team on 4th Oct 2023

Given that maca root is popularly associated with increasing fertility and the libido, it should come as no surprise that one of its many associated benefits is its positive impact on hormone health. But it’s important to note that maca contains no hormones, neither strogen nor testosterone. Despite this, though, research has found that a regular maca regimen CAN help keep women’s estrogen levels healthy. So how does it work? Is it safe? And is maca right for you?

Maca and Women’s Fertility

Farmed in the Peruvian Andes for hundreds of years, maca is a nutritionally valuable superfood that has long been consumed for its purported libido-stimulating and fertility-boosting powers. Maca, which is a cruciferous root vegetable, has been credited with helping couples conceive for generations. How does maca affect women’s fertility?

One way it does this is by amping up the libido in both men AND women who regularly consume it. Research supports the theory that maca can have a sexually stimulating effect on women, particularly when issues arise from regularly-prescribed antidepressant treatments like SSRIs and SNRIs, which have been linked over the years with sexual dysfunction. A double-blind study performed in 2015 found that both premenopausal and postmenopausal women who regularly consumed maca for a period of twelve weeks testified to a markedly increased sex drive.

Maca and Menopausal Health

Did you know that maca can help relieve menopause symptoms? As we stated earlier, you should keep in mind that maca does NOT contain estrogen, and is therefore not considered a substitute for HRT (or Hormone Therapy Treatment). That being said, adding maca to your diet CAN mitigate some of the worst symptoms of menopause.

Women experiencing menopause might experience hot flashes or chills, drastic mood swings, and weight gain as the result of a slowing metabolism. The Cleveland Clinic advises that “a balanced diet of veggies, calcium, and soy may help” reduce the pain and discomfort of menopause as your body produces less and less estrogen. Calcium-rich foods such as soy and dairy products are strongly recommended as bone loss becomes more prevalent after your thirties, and neglecting to eat more consciously could result in osteoporosis. Maca root acts as a “fantastic source” of vitamins and minerals including Vitamin C, iron, and calcium, and it contains flavonoids, which have been proven to cut down on age-related cognitive decline.

Maca as an Adaptogen

How does maca accomplish all these positive effects without containing any hormones? It’s because maca is considered an adaptogen, a natural substance that can exert a “hormone-balancing effect” on the body.

Maca also contains unique secondary metabolites called macaenes and macamides, which have displayed anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidative, cancer-fighting, and neuroprotective qualities. That means that whether you’re trying to conceive or reaching menopause, adding maca to a balanced diet in combination with regular exercise can result in easily noticeable improvements to your overall health and wellbeing.

Maca for Women’s Health

If you’re a woman looking to balance her estrogen levels, which one of our organic maca root products should you consider trying out? Red maca is the maca root color that’s generally associated with women’s health benefits, namely with regard to fertility, enhancing curves, and reducing anxiety. But as we’ve said many times in the past, there’s no “right” or “wrong” maca. Whether you’re enjoying one of our raw or premium maca powders or packing some vegan maca capsules along on your vacation, adding maca to your diet can open a doorway to numerous health benefits regardless of your age, size, or gender.

If you have any further questions about The Maca Team or our maca, check out our Maca FAQs and consider Contacting Us using our web form, or call us toll-free at 888-919-8616.

Enjoy the day!

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