
Black Maca Benefits

As someone interested in black maca, you are may be wondering:

  • “Is black maca actually different than the other colors of maca?”
  • “Does black maca really work like I’ve heard?” or
  • “What can black maca do for me?”

These excellent questions are understandable given the amount of hype surrounding this simple superfood – especially the black variety. Here, we hope to answer them for you and direct you to the best type of maca for your purposes.

Specifically, in this article, we will cover all the most important potential black maca root powder benefits. We offer relevant scientific evidence that is promising as well as stories from some of our long term customers regarding their experiences while enjoying this unique cruciferous vegetable.  

A note before we dive in.   It’s important to remember that black maca is classified as a food.   The statements and findings we present here are based on scientific research, but should not be interpreted as a promise of similar results. Of course, they are not intended as medical advice. And remember, if you do have health questions about using maca, please see your doctor before proceeding.

Black Maca Benefits Research

Beyond just the color of their skin, what sets black maca roots apart? Over the past 15 years research has revealed several distinguishing features. All of the research we’ve compiled here can be viewed on the U.S. National Institutes of Health PubMed website using this link.Black Maca Benefits

1.  Antioxidant Levels

A study published in 2018 compared the functional biological activities of the 3 main phenotypes of Maca. The study concluded that the lipids and polysaccharides of black maca showed higher antioxidant effect than red and yellow. Red was less than 10% behind black and yellow about 25%. [1]

2.  Metabolism

A study published in “Frontiers in Pharmacology” in 2018 found that Black Maca extract prevents metabolism disorders by helping regulate glucose, which is an important metabolite for humans. The brain requires about 50% of its calories from glucose and red blood cells subsist exclusively on glucose. This study showed that Black Maca enhances the production of glucose in the body and may thereby support a healthier metabolism. [2]

3.  Sperm Production

From 2006 to 2016 there have been several significant independent studies done on how black colored roots of maca affect both sperm production and sperm motility.  The first significant study, published in 2006, found that Black Maca was the only color to effectively support the production of sperm among rats tested. It also found that, “Black Maca affects sperm count as early as 1 day after beginning of treatment.”[3]  

A second study from 2006 found that “ maca increased epididymal sperm count after 84 days of treatment” in the male rats studied. It also concluded that compared to other colors of maca, “black maca appeared to have more beneficial effect on sperm counts and epididymal sperm motility.” [4

Similar results were found in 2016 with an increase in daily sperm production.  This study, using mice, found that sperm motility as well as sexual dysfunction was affected positively by adding black maca root to the animals’ diet over the course of 12 weeks. [5

4.  MemoryBlack Maca Root

In 2011 two different studies, one from China and one from Peru, found that Black Maca helped laboratory mice improve their memory and concentration skills.[6]  [7

5.  Bone Health

In 2010 a team of 6 researchers reported that Red and Black Maca were found to be the best at improving and protecting bone structure especially in mice that had their ovaries removed. [8]

6.  Improving Mood, Learning and Concentration

In 2006 a Peruvian team observed that while all maca colors contributed favorably to reducing depression, black maca also improved the learning and concentration abilities of laboratory mice. [9]

And a more recent study from 2016 from an esteemed and larger group of international researchers found that black maca improved mood as well as overall “quality of life.” [10]

What can I really expect from taking black maca?

After you’ve read through the details of this promising research, you might be wondering how black maca works for everyday people.   As a functional food, it can indeed have some positive effects when added to one's daily diet.   These effects can be broad ranging since maca is thought to work on the hormonal system.

As to specific health benefits of black maca root products, the following are words from some of our customers. Before continuing please take note that maca products are not intended to diagnose or treat any health condition. And if you have any doubts or questions regarding your health, please see a competent health care professional.

Muscular Endurance

“I bought the raw sundried black Maca, I am taking 2 teaspoons daily in the morning and after 3 days I noticed muscular endurance”… Romel

“Add endurance to your day! Black Macca is a great addition to morning protein drink for energy and lasting Stamina for your day”. Wayne Elms

Muscle Building and Fitness

“The Black Maca Product works great for me by improving endurance, mental balance/focus, and stamina during triathlon training for strength, running, biking, and swimming.” Donald

“I've been on this product for a year now. I'm 44 years old. I'm a bodybuilder middleweight. I compete against 25 year olds. Guess what? I always place top 5 when competing. This product has given me more energy, growth & power at the gym. Health wise I feel better than most 25 year olds out there. I never recommend this product to my competitors because I don't want them to get that winning edge. This is the secrete to my bodybuilding performance. - Frank

"Before the daily workout I mix a spoonful black maca w/ yogurt. Ideally Greek. The increased energy level allows for better lifting and cardio. Minimal lag time to feel effects. Sperm production has increased and libido is somewhat higher. Quite filling. Seems to help focus as well.". Nick


"I am a personal user of the Black Maca Product sold here, and I have to say it is excellent. I love the libido boost it gives and it seems to also provide a nice balancing of the hormonal system. As a 57-year-old man I noticed the difference. Also, being the owner of my own supplement company, product sold here, and I have to say it is excellent. I love the libido boost it gives and it seems to also provide a nice balancing of the hormonal system. As a 57-year-old man I noticed the difference." – Collin Kirkpatrick

“Black Maca does increase your Libido. You have to give is some time to work but after a week or so you'll start to notice the increase.” Doug

“And the usual libido boost...I wake up like I was 18 again and yes the urge is back in full force. I take this product with my whey protein before bed and early in the morning. On workout days... an additional intake right after my gym session.” -AZ

Alertness and Energy

“…after taking the black MACA for a week, I experienced better alertness and energy. I don't feel so tired come the evening.” Eh Poh

“I enjoy the boost in energy levels and mental alertness when I take my dose of maca first thing on an empty stomach in the morning.” GT

“Working 3rd shift this keeps me going for 8 to 12 hrs. The taste is strong so I mix 3/4 tip of mighty leaf match green tea powder with 1 1/2 tap of raw black maca powder in a water bottle. I drink 2 to 3 bottles while working and I'm good all night. And with no side effects.” CJ

Weight Loss 

"I had lots of trouble losing weight being one of many postmenopausal women in the world. Then around 6 months ago I started taking this Black Maca daily and along with interment fasting I have lost all they weight I needed to, It really has brought my hormone back to when I was much younger." Teri Kavakos 

Who is black maca for?Picture of Black Maca Root

If you’ve researched it a bit, black maca is sometimes considered to be "men's maca." That’s primarily because, as you’ve seen in the research above, black maca has been shown to be the best for building sperm count and muscle-building. But it’s also just fine for women to use black maca products and many women do just that. It’s worth noting that maca does not contain any hormones. Instead, it acts as a natural supplement that stimulates the body with nutrients to potentially achieve healthy hormone levels. Many of our female customers interested in muscle building and increasing strength and stamina enjoy it regularly and use it for weight loss benefits as well.

Based on the research and our experience we typically recommend black maca supplements for:

  • Men wishing to increase their fertility (women should use red maca for fertility)
  • Men and women wishing to boost their libido
  • Athletes, both men and women, looking for extra stamina and strength
  • Anyone looking to improve memory, concentration and focus skills
  • All people looking improve their bone strength and density

Although most people do report health benefits from adding black maca to their lives, results do vary. We want to stress again that maca is a food and it takes time to work and may not work for everyone.   To make sure that you set yourself up for success we recommend that you:

  1. Purchase only the highest quality products grown in Peru
  2. Purchase the right kind of black maca for you
  3. Take an amount that is enough for your body weight and activity level (dosage)
  4. Stay consistent with it – meaning to take it every day for at least 4-6 weeks
  5. Continue enjoying it over time.  Check out our black maca recipes....

Each individual body responds at a different rate to maca. For a few, first benefits show up in a few days and for others it’s several weeks.   If you follow the advice above you’re certainly more likely to enjoy more of these over time. That said, if you are taking black maca without the results you are looking for please let us know and we’ll help you troubleshoot.

Before moving on, we encourage you to visit our main black maca page. This will help you decide which type (raw – gelatinized – premium) and which format of it (powder – capsules - chips – liquid extracts) to try.

Our sincere hope is that this article has helped you learn more about the potential benefits of this simple food. And as always, we are more than happy to answer any further questions you might have on black maca supplements.   Just let us know.

Next up – Visit our black maca page and shop

Raw Black Maca Powder

Discover more maca benefits >

Enjoy the day!

The Maca Team Signature

If you’ve researched it a bit, black maca is sometimes considered to be "men's maca." That’s primarily because, as you’ve seen in the research above, black maca has been shown to be the best for building sperm count and muscle-building. But it’s also just fine for women to use black maca products and many women do just that. It’s worth noting that maca does not contain any hormones. Instead, it acts as a natural supplement that stimulates the body with nutrients to potentially achieve healthy hormone levels. Many of our female customers interested in muscle building and increasing strength and stamina enjoy it regularly and use it for weight loss benefits as well.


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